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BK ID B2016



Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.



  1. 1. Explain the elements of HTML document structure

Answer: An HTML element is an individual component of an HTML document or web page, once this has been parsed into the Document Object Model. HTML is composed of a tree of HTML elements and other nodes, such as text nodes. Each element can have HTML attributes specified. Elements can also have content, including other elements and text. HTML elements represent semantics, or meaning. For example, the title element represents the title of the document.


  • <header>:Introduction of an article, another section or the entire document (header page). Typically the header of a web site that appears on top of each page, or a header of a long <article> or of a long <section>
  • <footer>: Contains the footer of a site,



  1. 2. What are packages and what role do they play in Java? Also, discuss the various in-built packages provided by Java.

Answer: A package allows a developer to group classes (and interfaces) together. These classes will all be related in some way – they might all be to do with a specific application or perform a specific set of tasks. For example, the Java API is full of packages. One of them is the javax.xml package. It and its subpackages contain all the classes in the Java API to do with handling XML.


A package is a group of .class files.




  1. 3. Write a short note on


  1. Special operators: An operator is a symbol which helps the user to command the computer to do a certain mathematical or logical manipulations. Operators are used in Java language program to operate on data and variables. Java has a rich set of operators which can be classified as
  • Arithmetic Operators: All the basic arithmetic operations can be carried out in Java. All the operators have almost the same meaning as in other languages. Both unary and binary operations are available in




  1. Operator precedence and associativity

Answer: If more than one operators are involved in an expression then, C language has predefined rule of priority of operators. This rule of priority of operators is called operator precedence.


In C, precedence of arithmetic operators(*,%,/,+,-) is higher than relational operators(==,!=,>,<,>=,<=) and precedence of relational operator is higher than logical operators(&&, || and !).





  1. 4. Explain dynamic polymorphism with an example of Java program

Answer: Static binding and static polymorphism is achieved through method overloading. Dynamic polymorphism is also called as the run time polymorphism.


As we mentioned earlier while defining polymorphism that polymorphism means there are multiple definitions of a single method. That means a method with same name is defined multiple times in a program. In dynamic polymorphism, if we make a call to such a multiple times defined method in our code then which definition of that method is to be called actually and executed is resolved at run time only.



  1. 5. Explain the classes in Abstract Window Toolkit.

Answer: The Java programming language class library provides a user interface toolkit called the Abstract Windowing Toolkit, or the AWT. The AWT is both powerful and flexible. Newcomers, however, often find that its power is veiled. The class and method descriptions found in the distributed documentation provide little guidance for the new programmer. Furthermore, the available examples often leave many important questions unanswered. Of course, newcomers should expect some difficulty. Effective graphical user interfaces are inherently challenging to design and implement, and the sometimes


  1. 6. Explain the servlet lifecycle with an example

Answer: A servlet follows a certain life cycle. The servlet life cycle is managed by the servlet container. The life cycle contains the following steps:


Load Servlet Class.

Create Instance of Servlet.

Call the servlets init() method.

Call the servlets service() method.

Call the servlets destroy() method.


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